Monday 25 May 2020

I Will Tell You The Truth About Corona Virus And Diabetes In The Next 60 Seconds.

Today we will be discussing about the safety measures and precautions that a diabetic person should take in the global pandemic – COVID- 19.
If you have diabetes, you've probably noticed that diabetes always pops up on lists of people at higher risk from COVID-19 infections. And you've probably be thinking why it is so.
Diabetes and Coronavirus

The fact is that people with diabetes any type don't seem to have a greater risk of catching the virus. The bad news is if you do get it and you have diabetes, you have higher chances of having a more serious illness.It is seen that people with certain endocrine disorders, like diabetes, may face additional risks from COVID-19. It is found in studies that about 25% of people who went to the hospital with severe COVID-19 infections had diabetes. Those with diabetes were more likely to have serious complications and to die from the virus. One reason is that high blood sugar weakens the immune system and makes it less able to fight off infections.
Your risk of severe coronavirus infection is even higher if you also have another condition, like heart or lung disease.If you do get COVID-19, the infection could put you at greater risk for diabetes complications.It is noted that people with diabetes who have been hospitalized seem to be more likely to die from the infection.
The higher death rate in people with diabetes may actually be due to underlying heart disease. But until researchers have more data and time to interpret the information, it won't be clear if diabetes alone plays a role in more serious outcomes.
If you have diabetes and you end up with a serious COVID-19 infection, it's a good idea to bring your medicines and insulin with you to the hospital, particularly if you're insulin-dependent. As hospitals may not keep all types of insulin on hand. The same is true for continuous glucose monitor supplies and insulin pump supplies.
Some hospitals may not allow you to bring supplies in, and if that's the case you'll need to follow the hospital rules. If you're well enough to do so, some hospitals will allow you to continue to treat your diabetes on your own.
Tips to Avoid Infection

The best way to avoid getting sick is to stay home as much as you can. people with diabetes have the right to "reasonable accommodations at work." That includes the right to work from home or take sick leave when you need it.
If you have to go out, keep at least 6 feet away from other people, and wear a cloth face mask. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often while you’re out and when you get home.
Also wash your hands before you give yourself a finger stick or insulin shot. Clean each site first with soap and water or rubbing alcohol.
To protect you, everyone in your house should wash their hands often, especially before they cook for the family. Don't share any utensils or other personal items. And if anyone in your house is sick, they should stay in their own room, as far as possible from you. They should wear a cloth face mask when you have to be in the same room.
Your COVID-19 Diabetes Plan

Social distancing and shelter-in-place rules may make it harder to get the supplies you need. Stock up on enough goods to last you for a couple of weeks, in case you get quarantined.
Make sure you have:
  1. Enough food, especially healthy carbs like whole-wheat crackers, vegetable or noodle soups, and unsweetened applesauce
  2. Simple carbs like honey, sugar-sweetened soda, fruit juice, or hard candies in case your blood sugar dips
  3. The maximum number of refills you can get of your insulin and other medications
  4. Extra glucagon and ketone strips
  5. Phone numbers for your doctors and health insurance company
So if you have questions for your doctor, you can ask by video chat or phone instead of going into the office.
When you talk to your doctor, ask:
  • How often to check your blood sugar and ketones
  • How to adjust your diabetes medicines if you're sick
  • What cold and flu remedies are safe for you to take

What to Do if You Get Sick
If you start feeling sick, stay home. Check your blood sugar more often than usual. COVID-19 can reduce your appetite and cause you to eat less, which could affect your levels. You also need more fluids than usual when you're sick. Keep water close by, and drink it often.
Some over-the-counter medicines that relieve virus symptoms like fever or cough can affect your blood sugar levels. High doses of aspirin or ibuprofen can lower blood sugar levels. Acetaminophen can cause falsely high readings on a continuous glucose monitor. Many liquid cough and cold medicines are high in sugar, which can raise your blood sugar levels. Before you take them, check with your doctor or diabetes team. Tell your doctor if you've taken them and your blood sugars are out of control.
Call your doctor if you get coronavirus-like symptoms such as a dry cough, fever, or shortness of breath. Have your most recent blood sugar and ketone readings available to share with your doctor.
Get medical help right away if you have:
  • Moderate or large ketones
  • DKA symptoms like tiredness, weakness, body aches, vomiting, or belly pain
  • Severe shortness of breath
How to keep your sugar level in control in lockdown
While following the norms like social distancing you may get trapped in your house which will lead to high blood sugar level . here are some of exercise which you can practise at home during lockdown:

1.    Dance - Dance, we all know, is a great exercise and workout. Diabetics may not feel extremely energetic to do a high-intensity dance workout like Zumba, etc. Therefore, they can do a free-style dance that helps them move their whole body – arms, legs, etc. Create a playlist for as long as you want to workout, and you can do a dance workout in the morning, or evening.
2.    Climbing stairs - If you have a staircase in your house, you do not need any other equipment for a good workout. Climb stairs quickly, at a good pace, as an exercise. If you do not have a full staircase, you can climb up and down on a single step.
3.    Strength training - Strength training exercises like lifting weights, push-ups, pull-ups, etc, can help in strength building for diabetics. You can lift small weights if you have them at home, or can do push-ups, planks, pull-ups, etc. 

4.    Yoga - Yoga is a wonderful exercise that helps to calm the mind and also helps improve diabetes management. Yoga is perhaps the best exercise to include in your routine during the lockdown, as it will also keep your mental health in check. The best part about Yoga is that it can be performed anywhere and you do not require any equipment for it. You can perform Yoga in your balcony, terrace, or even your living room.

At last I would like to say that you should try to avoid contact with people and should have protective equipment like masks and sanitizers with you to avoid infection
If you haven’t read our last article then you can visit here

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