Friday 29 May 2020

15 fruits that every diabetic should eat !!!!

Hi today we will be discussing about the fruits that a diabetic person should include in his diet. This is among the most asked question that what fruits should I have, will this fruits made my blood sugar level to rise or not. So today we will be having at the fruits which are benefical for you if you are a diabetic.

**Not only its about particular fruit but you should take some of other precautions as well:

1.   Always eat fruits that are fresh, local and in season.

2.   Eat fruits that have a low glycemic index.

3.   Fruits should not be eaten with your main meals, its best to have fruits in between meals and as a snack.

4.   Fruits with high glycemic index should be eaten only in moderation.

5.   Eat fruits with some nuts and olives to balance the glycemic load.

6.   Sprinkle fruits with cinnamon which is very helpful in balancing blood sugar levels.

7.   Grind whole flaxseeds in a coffee grinder and sprinkle over fresh fruit to balance sugar levels.

8.   Never consume fruit juice as it's robbed of all the fiber and would spike blood sugar levels.

9.   Diabetics should not eat cooked fruits always eat raw fruits to reap the benefits.

**On what basis should I select which fruit to eat ??
For a person with diabetes, one way to select safe and suitable fruits and other high-carbohydrate foods is to check the Glycemic index (GI).
GI is a rating of foods on a scale from 1 to 100. The score indicates how quickly the food item may raise blood sugar levels.
High GI foods are absorbed faster than medium or low GI foods.
Glycemic load (GL) takes into account the GI of a food plus the number of carbohydrates in a serving. GL may be a more accurate way of assessing how food affects blood sugar management over time. Low-GI and low-GL foods are better for helping control blood sugar levels.
People may be surprised to learn that many fruits have a low glycemic index. People digest starchy vegetables, such as potatoes and grains, more rapidly, so these have a higher GI index.
The longer a carbohydrate-rich food is cooked, the higher the GI value. Fat, fiber content, and cooling carbohydrates after they have been transformed into resistant starches via cooking can all dramatically lower GI values.
Now let us discuss about what are the best 15 fruits for diabetes which can be included by the diabetic person in their diet.

1. Blackberries

Blackberry! These dark-coloured berries are very high in antioxidants and fibres but luckily, they are low in sugar. They just have 7 grams of sugar per cup. So, go and have them!

2. Pomegranates

Pomegranates contain the richest combinations of antioxidants of all fruits and can protect you from free-radicals and chronic diseases. So feel free to enjoy these red pearls with such powerful phytochemical compounds.
3. Oranges and other citrus

Enjoy this vitamin C rich juicy treat without any worries as it won’t hike your blood sugar levels! The pulpiness of oranges and grapefruit provide a great source of fiber. To maximize this, make sure to eat the whole fruit rather than drink just the juice.
 A medium orange has only 12 grams of sugar and just 70 calories! It also contains potassium and folate which helps in normalizing the blood pressure. The average orange has a GI score of 40 while unsweetened orange juice has a GI score of 50.
The citrus with the lowest GI score is grapefruit. With a score of 25, grapefruit has one of the lowest GI scores of all fruits.

4. Raspberries
With a surprisingly low amount of sugar, this fruit is the best for satiating your sweet tooth! One cup of raspberries contains only 5 grams of sugar and loads of fibres, yes, that’s true! So, this berry will make you feel full for long hours and won’t even increase your glucose levels!

5. Kiwis

Who doesn’t like the sweet and sour taste of kiwis? These fuzzy green fruits are rich in vitamin C and have a very low amount of sugar. With just 6 grams of sugar per fruit, this fruit indeed deserves a place in your daily diet!

6. Avocados

Avocados are naturally low in sugar, with just 1 gram of sugar per fruit, avocados are very healthy for diabetics. They also lower the level of bad cholesterols in the body that helps in protecting the heart.

7. Peaches

Of course, they are very sweet in taste but you will be surprised to know that they are not at all a sugary fruit! A medium sized peach contains only 13 grams of sugar, so, reach for a juicy peach whenever you crave for sugar!

8. Plums

These delicious purple treats are great for everyone including those who have diabetes! Yes, that’s right! With only 7 grams of sugar per fruit, this sweet treat can be enjoyed at any time of the day!

9. Apples

Apple juice is full of sugars, we agree, but, if you change the way you consume it and have it as a complete fruit then, you will only get 19 grams of sugar. So yes! An apple a day can really keep the doctors away!

10. Watermelons

The favourite summer fruit of almost everyone, watermelon, is very hydrating in nature as well as it has only 10 grams of sugar per cup. As a bonus, you also get a lot of iron if you eat this delectable fruit!

11. Guava

It's a great snack for diabetics with a low glycemic index. Guava is very rich in dietary fiber that helps ease constipation (a common diabetic complaint) and can lower the chance of developing type-2 diabetes.

12. Cherries

Cherries like blueberries contain anthocyanins that pump the cells insulin production by 50%. The day is not far when anthocyanins might be the building blocks for new diabetes treatments. So include cherries as a part of your healthy diet.

13. Papaya

Natural antioxidants within the fruit make papaya a great choice for diabetics. Diabetics are prone to many ailments, including heart or nerve damage caused by irregular blood sugar levels. A diet incorporating papaya can obstruct future cell damage for a better and longer life span.

14. Strawberries 

Strawberries have low- glycemic index hence it's slowly released in the blood stream as glucose. It can also improve immunity, has cancer fighting ability and increases metabolism, which in turn helps you lose weight.

15. Pears

You can eat pears if you have diabetes, as long as you keep your portions in mind and eat them along with other nutritious foods. Pears may satisfy your need for something sweet while also providing nutritional benefits.

Note: All the above-mentioned fruits are great for people with diabetes but always keep in mind that the serving size matters! So, if you want to stay healthy and don’t want your blood glucose levels to rise then, remember that moderation is always the key to a good health!

So this was the list of the fruits a diabetic person can have. Hope you are satisfied with the answer to the question “What fruits a diabetic person can eat?”

I will also be giving a article on what fruits a diabetic person should avoid. Make sure you follow us for more such articles.
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