Tuesday 2 June 2020

Food to avoid with diabetes.

Hi today we will be discussing about some of the food items that a diabetic should not eat.
I have usually seen that many people mistaking some of the food item thinking that they might not cause the blood sugar hikes but they do raise your sugar level.
In this article these food items are listed which have the potential to raise your sugar level.
So the list of such items are :-

White Bread

White sandwich bread is a refined grain, not a whole grain. When eaten as is, it has a high glycemic index and can directly lead to elevated blood-sugar levels. Swap white bread for whole grain or Ezekiel bread.
French Fries

French fries, for example, are a no-go. Fried foods are high in simple carbs and fat, which is a tough combination for diabetics. It will raise blood sugar quickly and keep it high for a long time because the fat takes a while to digest.
Sports Drinks

They can be an unnecessary source of calories, added sugars, and sodium, which are all things people with diabetes should avoid. Stay hydrated during your workout with cold H2O—it really is your best bet, or with a natural electrolyte-packed, low-calorie sports drink.
Within the first 10 minutes of drinking a soda, about 10 teaspoons of sugar hit the system. It's rapidly absorbed and signals an insulin release, which is a problem for people with diabetes since they have insulin resistance.
Diet Soda

Diet sodas aren't much better. Sweeteners are 200 to 600 times sweeter than sugar and signal an insulin release from the pancreas. So even if you're not drinking straight-up sugar, you're still signaling a release and perpetuating that dysfunctional physiological response.
Frozen Dinners
When most people hear the word "diabetes," they typically think about things like carbs and sugar. But salt plays a role in diabetes health, too. Dialing back on salt can help lower your blood pressure, and in turn, your risk for heart attack or stroke, two diseases commonly associated with diabetes. And since many frozen dinners are teeming with sodium to act as a flavor-enhancer and preservative, it's best to keep consumption of the heat-and-serve food to a minimum.
Artificial Sweeteners
Contrary to popular belief, these fake sweeteners are not healthy for people with diabetes to consume. According to a study, drinking artificially-sweetened beverages daily was associated with a 36 percent greater risk for metabolic syndrome and a 67 percent increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Experts believe the reasoning is because artificial sweeteners are anywhere from 180-20,000 times sweeter than table sugar. Frequent consumption can cause an alteration in your sweet taste bud receptors, which makes vegetables and even fruits taste more bitter than they actually are. This causes you to neglect those foods and go after foods that satisfy that desire for sweetness.
Fast Food

It was found that those who ate fast food more than twice a week developed insulin resistance at twice the rate than those who didn't consume fast food. Insulin resistance increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes.
Gluten-Free Foods
Gluten-free doesn't always mean the dish is healthier because the gluten protein provides elasticity and volume in baked goods, often times "gluten-free foods are actually denser and, therefore, will have more carbohydrates per serving [than conventional foods]."

Energy Drinks

It is found that consuming caffeinated energy drinks (with 200 milligrams of caffeine) can cause blood glucose and insulin levels to spike by upwards of 30 percent and may lead to subsequent problems bringing blood sugar levels down to normal. According to one of the researchers behind the study, the caffeine is at fault for your body's inability to subsequently stabilize blood sugar as the stimulant persists in your system for four to six hours after consumption. The underlying mechanism behind caffeine's influence on blood sugar is currently unknown.
Dried Fruit

Real fruit contains nutrients like water and fiber, which both help to fill you up. When dried, these sweet and chewy snacks can carry anywhere between 34 and 74 grams of carbs—for raisins and dates, respectively—for one small 1.5-ounce serving.
Orange Juice
It's natural and overflowing with vitamin C, but it's loaded with sugar—and totally void of any nutrients like fiber or protein to help slow the sugar spike. An average glass packs 36 grams of sugar—or about what you'd get from popping 4 Krispy Kreme glazed donuts into a blender and hitting frappe. What's more, most of the sweetness in juice comes from fructose, a type of sugar associated with the development of belly fat.

It's a fat and calorie-mine, carrying over 520 calories and a third of the day's fat in one pastry. Foods rich in carbs, fat, and sugar are downright addicting. A study found that mice who had been fed diets with high levels of those very nutrients displayed withdrawal symptoms and were more sensitive to stressful situations after they were put on a healthier diet.
Cereal Bars
Granola- and cereal-based bars aren't just high in refined carbs, but they're also coated in countless grams of syrups and sugars to keep them bound. Cereal bars, in particular, can serve up nearly 30 grams of carbs and 16 of those are straight up sugar. With only 1 gram of fiber, your blood glucose levels will be hitching a ride on the sugar roller coaster.
Flavored Yogurts
Most fruit-flavored yogurts on the market contain little precious fruit and are sweetened with sugar instead. It's not just fruit-flavored yogurts that are the culprits. One well-known brand's Thick & Creamy Vanilla yogurt serves up 31 grams of carbs—28 of which are sugar and is only matched with 2.5 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein.
Potato Chips

There's a reason potato chips are one of the most addicting junk foods. They're pulverized, soaked in fat, and loaded with salt. Potato chips are a disaster for diabetes because they are a carb and fat bomb that will quickly spike your blood sugar.
Pancakes are a breakfast staple but they're almost completely void of nutrition. More of a pastry than a nutritious breakfast choice, pancakes are usually loaded with more unhealthy toppings such as sugary syrup and saturated fat-laden butter. Sugar and saturated fat in combination make the blood sugar spike last longer.
Fat-Free Frozen Yogurt
Vanilla frozen yogurt seems like the healthier alternative to ice cream, especially without all the fat, but when you remove that fat, you add more sugar for taste.This is an easy way to raise blood sugar. Not to mention getting fro-yo at a yogurt shop usually means you'll be adding tons of sugary toppings like candy, syrupy fruit, and hot fudge.

Skim Milk
Most people assume skim milk is better since all the fat has been taken out. But that's not the case for diabetics. When you take out the fat, this becomes a primarily carbohydrate beverage. A glass of milk at night will usually result in an elevated blood glucose level in the morning.
Vegetable Oil

Partially hydrogenated oils are a form of trans fat, which are some of the most inflammatory oils available. Watch out for vegetable oils that are made with partially-hydrogenated palm and soybean oils, which contain trace amounts of trans fats. Cook with extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or grapeseed oil instead.
Buttery biscuits aren't just pure carbs; they're also potentially laden with other bad-for-you things, too, especially commercial biscuits from the store or a fast-food joint. "If homemade, [biscuits are] still a flour and saturated fat bomb leading to inflammation of the body and brain," Anziani explains. In addition to diabetes, inflammation has been linked to other health complications such as obesity and cancer.
Sandwich Crackers
Although all-natural, unsweetened peanut butter is a good food for diabetics, it's a far cry from the processed peanut butter found in packaged sandwich crackers. These are made with highly refined crackers and peanut butter made with lots of sugar and salt which will raise blood sugar and blood pressure.
Mac & Cheese
Macaroni and cheese is usually made with white flour and highly refined noodles, mixed with high-fat milk and cheese. This combination of refined carbs and saturated fat will lead to inflammation in the body and brain. Macaroni and cheese also has a high glycemic load.
Flavored Instant Oatmeal
Plain oats are one of our best foods for diabetes because they contain a fiber called beta-glucan, which seems to have an anti-diabetic effect. However, flavored oatmeal is usually processed and contains added sugar and other sweetened ingredients. Pulverized oats are absorbed quickly, and adding extra sugar makes this into a sugar.
Instant Noodles
Instant noodles such as the packets of ramen and Cup-o-Noodles aren't just refined carbohydrates; they can contain up to a day's worth of sodium, too. This can spike blood sugar.
Grilled Cheese
Grilled cheese is often made with highly refined white bread and lots of fatty cheeses. Like mac and cheese, grilled cheese is nothing more than refined flour and saturated fat. This can lead to inflammation of the body and also spikes in blood sugar.
Jams and Jellies

Jam and jelly is a double-whammy for people with diabetes. It's just a sugar that is spread on another refined carbohydrate like bread or crackers and are usually devoid of any and all nutrition. [Using jelly and jam] is just a way of adding more sugar to something that already contains sugar.
Don't be fooled by the fact that honey is all-natural. It's still pure fructose, which is a sugar. It will spike blood sugar just like regular sugar will, and is still processed in the liver.

Though its base is corn, corn is highly glycemic and this snack is usually topped with artificial butter topping, caramel sauce, or more unhealthy items. And yes, even stovetop popcorn is still a carbohydrate-ridden snack.
Packaged Baked Goods
Packaged baked good contain tons of added sugar, usually in more than one form: sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and dextrose, to name a few. They're also packed with artificial ingredients and made with partially hydrogenated oils, which are inflammatory trans fats. These processed sweets will spike blood sugar and lead to inflammation.
Ice Cream

Aside from all the sugar, ice cream is usually packed with artery-clogging saturated fat. It can also be a problem for people who mindlessly eat. Ice cream activates pleasure centers of the brain, blows out dopamine receptors, [and leaves you] wanting more and more. Many will eat the whole container.
So I think I have listed many items.
If some important items are left then do tell me in the comment section below.
If you have any query or doubt then comment in comment section below.

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